Saturday 16 March 2013

160313 2340Hrs

Miss the boat.... zuo le... wo zhen de hui tuo kan le ni yi yan.... dan zui zhong ni fa qi le... hao ba wo hui zhu fu ni.... I have left my port open up for you.... but then you have decided.... honestly i knew we will come to this.... i already told you.... but you are confirm during that time..... so i think i should be thinking of looking forward... Thanks comrade..... i will miss you deeply.... just might not be what we are anymore you know....

For now i need to re structure my path, and continuing mission. i have to move.... xin bu ding jiu bu neng xiang qian jing.... hope you will be able to see with your heart :)

Thursday 14 March 2013

140313 0650Hrs

有一對情侶,都是大學生,他們畢業後,結婚了。結婚後,很幸福。這個女孩的一個朋友,老公很有錢,她們一起出去,人家買的都是貴的,她都是便宜的, 她就鬧心,然後就對老公發脾氣。她老公很體貼,問她怎麽了。她就說你掙那麽一點錢,連我買衣服的都不夠,然後他老公沈默了,沒說話。那女孩說,對不起哦。 過了一段時間,男孩和她說我在日本找了一份工作,明天就走,掙的錢多,掙的錢都給你打卡上。也許很久才能回來一次。
女孩哭了,想讓他留下,但是又想讓他多掙點錢。第二天,男孩走了,沒用多久,她的卡上就多了一萬塊錢。從此,她也有錢了,每天出去買好多衣服,她身 邊的朋友都羨慕她,可是,她心裏總是空空的。回到家,看到的是雙人床,可卻只有她自己睡了,每天都自己睡一邊,她越來越感到孤單。
很想老公,給他打電話,她說很想他,讓他回來。他沒有回來,還是繼續給她打錢,短短的半年,給她在卡上打了二百多萬。她說夠了,讓他回來,他還是不 回來,讓她好好在家呆著。她有了這麽多錢,也不工作了,就是每天逛街看電視,和朋友聊天。快一年的時候,她太想他了,就打電話,想讓他回來。可是,接電話 的是個女的。她就想,男人有錢就變壞,看來他真的是變壞了。她哭了好久,她哭著對自己說,我不要錢了,我只想要你。
過了幾天,她又給他打電話,這次是他自己接的。他對她說,我給你錢,你改嫁吧,我們離婚吧。女孩瘋了一樣的說,不行。他說他有了另一個女孩。女孩傷 心,每天出去買好多東西,填補內心的空虛。她想他,再次給他打電話的時候,又是那個女孩接的,那個女孩聲音很柔弱的對她說,你們離婚吧。過幾天離婚協議書 就給你打過去了。然後就掛了。這不到一年的時間,他已經在她卡上打了近三百多萬,她每次問他在做什麽,他都說在研究人體,所以給的錢多,她也就沒再問下 去。

她心裏緊張,經過一年的離別,終於可以見到日思夜想的他了。推開的,是病房的門,她進門的那一刻,她呆住了。看著病床上那個臉色蒼白的他,已經沒有了一年前的陽光和活力,二十多歲的男孩,現在已經像三四十歲,瘦的沒有一點點肉。 她跑過去,瘋狂的抱住他,問他這是怎麽了。他艱難的笑了笑,傻丫頭,你還是來了,我沒事。她哭了,轉過頭,問那個女孩,他和我離婚是因為你嗎?
她哭了,還是問他怎麽了。他沒說。最後,她找到了那個女孩,問她。她告訴她,這個男孩一到日本他們就認識了,他一直在一家醫院研究一種病毒。這件事沒到生 存不下去的地步,沒人去做,因為,需要用自己做試驗,凡是接觸這種病毒的人都會慢慢的被感染,除非研究出解決的辦法來,只要同意研究,就會簽一份合同,合 同簽了,就會先付一百萬人民幣。
她捧著曾經一起的照片哭了,跪在床邊,門響了,她打開門。收到了一個郵包。她打開郵包,是他走時候,她送給他的襯衫。一張卡和一封信從襯衫裏掉了出 來,信裏寫著:老婆,當你收到這封信的時候,也許叫遺書更合適吧,我已經不在人世了。我不知道這樣做對不對,是不是給了你想要的幸福,但是我知道,你肯定 不舍得我走。老婆,還記得我們剛結婚的時候,我答應你要給你想要的生活。我不知道這麽做對不對,老婆,那張卡裏有三百萬,夠你花了,你一定要幸福的。我不 後悔為你付出了生命,不要再想我了,只要記得,曾經有個男人很愛很愛你,為了你,什麽都能去做。丫頭,你要幸福的,我給了。你想要的物質,卻沒法再給你愛 情,但我在天上會繼續保護你,我愛你。

Tuesday 5 March 2013

040313 2356Hrs

Hey bro..... i will say i beak my own promise to help you this time, i injured myself too. so they have give me face, you don go and create problem again. GRRR.... ever since i left, ever since i started my new life what the heck am i doing back there again.... you were once my bother and till now still is. so don just keep going and maintain your &^%$#%^ habit!!!!!

What happened today,  i will take it once and for all please for u and family sake stop ur FREAKING habit!!! How long u think i am able to save u? U better sayang ur wife more.... if she didnt call me u will be in damn big freaking trouble. Like i say to you brother will always be brother. but do spare a thought for your family

God bless us all AMEN

Sunday 3 March 2013

030313 0358Hrs

I told her what i feel lo.... don know what will become of us. God it is your will and i would want to :)
I told her when the way she sayang the cat i felt like i wanna hug her... seriously people that love animal are so attractive to me and warm my heart so much :)

I would say, some how i knew you.... if you want spread your wings and fly..... when you are tired le, make your way back here if you want.... my port is open for you :)

God bless the world and you :)

030313 0105Hrs

Today uncle Gab tell me about putting others first before us. and he also mention that Helping people is good intension. but same time, must make sure it wont cause another problem within a problem. And also ourself must be healthy to help :)

Saturday 2 March 2013

020313 1209Hrs

I forget to write something..... ok after i send her home we walk below her block to see the cats!!!! haha she love so the cat. and never in my life i saw a woman like this that love so the cat.

Again gravity pull this time its more like touch.... :)

020313 0545Hrs

we have a long chat at east coast about almost everything haha, -- wo meng hui zou dao na ge jin tou ma? she ask me that... i was shock... Erm right here i say maybe... but, don worry :) you can go ahead :)

I sense something. yet again, fog.... well don :) she told me about she cannot be with the up up guy... erm... i don know how to tell you.... coz something is stopping me.....

Emotion is something as human we cannot run away from.... yet again we try to control.... But what i can say, the more you wanna control it the more will lose control of it.

Just stay happy and smile from your heart for the rest of your life :) God bless u and family :)

Friday 1 March 2013

010313 2344Hrs

Oh no.... :( its getting deeper...... why like this.... i feel the gravity pull inside my heart.... today got news from her.... a person that she is considering.... erm what can i say? one part wish you all the best, one part keep denying the news...

:) zhi yao ni kai xin, jiu you ni qu ba :) wo hui xiang shang di shuo, rang ta kan zhu ni :)

tian tian kai xin :)