Friday, 21 September 2012

210912 1205Hrs

Hey haha i am back :) I missed you :) Do you know? When you talk to me i am happy :)

Sunday, 9 September 2012

090912 2242Hrs

  • 这一场 倾盆大雨 救不了 守夜的我
  • 往事的镜头 慢动作重播 每一个 你的 停格
  • 你的发 是为谁剪 心疼你 憔悴的脸
  • 你一定哭过 挣扎了很久 我猜他对你不错

  • 抢救你的爱 你别说 你还是 很快乐
  • 他不可能给你幸福的
  • 跟命运交手 输的是我 我拼了命还是迟了

  • 抢救你的爱 你别说 会永远想念我
  • 我早已不是他的对手 就算爱情不可能复活
  • 你别说 亲爱的 再见了
  • Saturday, 8 September 2012

    080912 1803Hrs

    Generally speaking Aquarians are: communicative, thoughtful & caring, co-operative, dependable, scientific, independent in thought & action, magnetic, inventive, loyal but rarely jealous. They can also be tactless & rude, eccentric, self-interested, lack conviction and voyeuristic.
    Aquarius men are very independent people, they like their space in relationships, they are very smart, and love a women whom they can have intellectual conversations with. They fall in love with a woman who is understanding, caring, encouraging and positive, and dosent rush him into things. He likes an independent woman who also has a life of her own. No one controlling, or obsessive.
    They are great boyfriends and very action orientated. Its hard for them to express themselves verbally but do not blame him for this. Plus, actions always speak louder than words. :)
    Be patient with him, interested in his everyday life, and always stay postitive and encouraging. Most importantly Always act like a lady. They love feminine ladies, whom they respect.

    he’ll seldom bother to check whether they’re appropriate for the
    occasion. He’ll show up barefoot if he feels like it, and laugh at you for laughing at him. Aquarians often deliberately adopt weird attire to show their refusal to conform

    Tuesday, 4 September 2012

    040912 0127Hrs

    I cannot sleep i don know why..... i have been in the company for 2 month lo.... happy and angry in a way... Like i told sylvia i didnt know there is still such good and almost perfect girls out there after i left her...

    I feel much happier now :) hahaha my brain is killing me though... i have this problem since i was a kid.... i know my brain is so much more powerful at night..... i don even know why..... maybe God forbi me from using it from things he don know me to.... and in one way i understand..... if i have the power i might abuse...

    Thank God for loving me..... God though i always sin against you. but you keep forgiving me.... God if one day i really cannot take it anymore. I humbly ask of you please have mercy on me.....

    recently i met a girl from my working friend. Her name is christine Goh, hope i get her name correct.  i disturb her haha sms her haha.. till she cannot take it haha.... i like to disturb people yay hahaha.....

    all this while i'm been living in a life of lies.... she lie to her mom grandmom and family..... she been through that but still put me throught it... sigh.... luckily i realise it, and walk away... she been toying with my feeling..... well, good luck. coz i still pray for you. she is just so bad in someways..... still have the cheek to hide things from her mom and grandmom.... because of her impression is so good in her family...... living your life in lies??? 

    when one day everything been found out lets see if you can take it. for i am always direct and straight forward. i never even thing of hurting anyone.

    Fin i have been praying for you. but you yourself have to let go the fear. simply you didnt recover and just step into the relationship.. now you are facing problem, you keep blaming your fear..... i have and did told you at the beginning of our break up. but you choose not to listen. cant blame you also.  i understand. if you have step out of the mental state you are in now you can see better.

    Sally i am sorry that i could not love you. just simply you are just so perfect. i know you don mind. but, simply i could not believe good things happened to me too. i have to reject you. for the condition you are right now. you should find some one on par with you. for me..... i can only say that i don deserve good things in a way.

    If i ever have a chance, i would live my life good and no bad habbit. God i love you.... if i never come to know you..... i think i will be just a low life...... but you have make me become strong in faith. :) Lord of lord King of king. I love you.

    Sunday, 2 September 2012

    020912 1323Hrs

    Hmmmm...... So is she interested? or just i think too much? well, let it be man.....