Love is patient, love is kind and is not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant. 1 Corinthians 13:4
Friday, 28 December 2007
warrior losting his spear
hi there, i lost my spear. without my spear i am nothing. pain to say that. but its real..... anyway, i could foresee this will happened and its unavoidable. losing it mean i have to find a new far more powerful spear and keep that spear no matter what happened. (at any rate i'm not talking about game here) miss those days that i holding to that spear. but, gone mean gone no point or use thinking about the past. recuprate fast and move on. the world don end HERE. ha ha. sniper without his rifle is nothing, without the sniper the rifle is nothing. and so on..... tomorrow Teck keong my church friend is getting married. i'm happy for them, at the very least he invited me to his wedding. maybe wanna get money from me thats why he invite me muhaha. just kidding...sad.... d...a....y........
Thursday, 27 December 2007

Hello all, i'm back.^_^ lately i was playing this game call Warrior orochi. i have this feeling. i was thinking that, people at that time will never ever know that they will be feature in the game. warrior like lu bu, zhao yun, xia hou dun, and all. well, some how i don know the weapon the carry is it the same, feature in the game? i know at that point of time no one will ever know. kinda scary eh.... it too futuristic for them to accept? i wonder if either one of them know they are in the game. wonder what are their reaction.. must be amaze and likely will stop war. ha ha, all of them will be buying this game and play like hell haha. i can imagine that. haha. cao cao will use cao cao and conquer china everyone will use their own. shit must be fun haha. i try to find a picture of it hang on.
found it ke ke..
Wednesday, 26 December 2007
Love or not?
To love? or being love? these questions is so confusing. anyone of us have someone we love most. we forked so much energy, strength and money. (money not that important) and lastly TIME. when thing fail, we blame this and that. we trying so so so hard to find why why why. i know it easlier to say than done. but let me just say. i know the pain, hurt, sadness in your heart. cant let go. cant do this or that. ask ourselve, do we really deserve this or that. am i not better, or is she or he so heartless. come on step out of it. i know it hurt, it pain and its sad. we must hold on to be true to ourselve. in case you don know, according to what i been throught, divorce, breaking up. love, hate, having my own children (twin boy) my house, my car. and lost all again. i tell you one thing, I FEEL NOTHING. REALLY. why you ask. its no big deal my dear friend, i have the feeling above like i mention, but within a short period, i stand up. i'm not heartless, i'm not blameless, i'm not God. when breaking up, you try this or that to save the relatioship. but i tell you, its only hurting it more cause the thing to break faster.
your action you do is out of your love, the other person find you are a nusiance. really. not joke i know. after all thing happened i analyse, i study, i try to understand, i try to learn, i accept all the fact, the myth, the PROMISE. in the end i stand up again. its just don kill me. make me learn. coz when thing hapened i always tell myself. Jesus die willingly for anyone. ANYONE EVEN HE NEVER SEE BEFORE. HE IS WILLING. the word here is willing. will you not? YES, i don deny that we still have memory about he or she. keep it for you know whats best for you is it not? thing he or she give you. Keep it not need to destroy, for that are the thing that remind you is it not? when thing happened most of us will only remember the SHIT thing he or she do to us. WHY WE FORGET THE GOOD TIME? ..........
your action you do is out of your love, the other person find you are a nusiance. really. not joke i know. after all thing happened i analyse, i study, i try to understand, i try to learn, i accept all the fact, the myth, the PROMISE. in the end i stand up again. its just don kill me. make me learn. coz when thing hapened i always tell myself. Jesus die willingly for anyone. ANYONE EVEN HE NEVER SEE BEFORE. HE IS WILLING. the word here is willing. will you not? YES, i don deny that we still have memory about he or she. keep it for you know whats best for you is it not? thing he or she give you. Keep it not need to destroy, for that are the thing that remind you is it not? when thing happened most of us will only remember the SHIT thing he or she do to us. WHY WE FORGET THE GOOD TIME? ..........
Monday, 24 December 2007
Flash back
have you wonder sometime when you hear or see certain thing. remind you of something?
well, just moment ago, while i was playing game. i went to make a cup of coffee, when i return, i saw on TV the program is showing polar express. well, that really struck me hard. real hard. the show is about chirstmas. but what struck me is not that. its a person, she is already married.... well, don have second thought. coz i know its past already.. that little rythem of the polar express, bring back lots of memory. if you ask me what? i really don know. too much of it. i don know how to start. right now i'm really lost some how....
well, just moment ago, while i was playing game. i went to make a cup of coffee, when i return, i saw on TV the program is showing polar express. well, that really struck me hard. real hard. the show is about chirstmas. but what struck me is not that. its a person, she is already married.... well, don have second thought. coz i know its past already.. that little rythem of the polar express, bring back lots of memory. if you ask me what? i really don know. too much of it. i don know how to start. right now i'm really lost some how....
Tuesday, 18 December 2007

well, well, What is past to you? perhap good or bad. you want to keep it? some where somehow, there is a secret in our heart that we will never ever want to let out. we don want to let people know about our secret, be it dark, light, or anything. it has a very special place in our heart. do you have that similar feel? this secret in me is how it alter my brain to work. let call it the processor of a computer. this processor of mine is a super hard to crack nut. i sometime cant really communicate to it. and somehow i can while in late night. well, afteall its a secret not further than that. ha ha......

Yesterday i completed the game, wow man way to go, but thats just in normal mode. i started hard mode. guess what? its super hard really... to think still have very hard mode to play. but i wont give up. thats the way of warrior.. ha ha kidding, playing is to release stress. not to stress. ha ha. the last boss is super cool, you know i win him with my first try. ke ke thats seldom happened, guess i am really a ninja now ha ha. to think there are still more stage to conquer, actually i'm bit of stress to play that super hard game.
My friend
hey i'm back again, ke ke, i think few days back i heard that my child hood friend yuan hai, his not working with CIMB anymore, perhap his going after what he want to do rather than this? i do not know but i surely want the best for him. he and me met in a primary school call Heng Ah Keng Bong. that school now are no longer there anymore. we use to fight each other till we went into secondary school. our relationship started from there. i invite him to my house, we use to play game over at my place. have a great time. and i really miss those time. his one friend that i don't want to lose. one of my best brother....
Monday, 17 December 2007
hey man, i'm back ke ke, well suddenly i was thinking of my previous church HOPE. last friday, i met andrew ong, a friend of my sister. i met him coz i need to help him to repair his gril laptop. after which we went to eat supper. later in the conversation, guess what? i feel something about him. (my feel is good at things) something he mention is like what i am going through. i know what is he trying to say. i felt that i have gone into his heart holding on to my spear, hoping to penetrate what is useless to him. Andrew is such a brother, comrade to me. but most of the time i know he like to keep things in his heart. you know, Andrew brother is actually my camp mate. its been some time since i last met him. miss him actually. HOPE a church that i have many many history. well i won't say anything about that. maybe next time.
Many time in life, we have to make a desicsion, be it good or not, we choose it, we live up to it, we don't regret it. we don't let anyone interfere. so even now i really did not regret what i have done so far. people may jugde me or even say that its because or this and that. but so be it. have you ever wonder why in war even when a country know they are going to lose the war, but, they still pull it off till the end, they won't mind dying?? They hold something so strong in their heart. so much more meaning than meet the eye. passion, love, hatred, loyalty, and so much more emotion in it. can people connect or feel it? can people understand what are they doing? honestly its even more so, much more stronger than words could ever describe. free man, free country, FREEDOM.... in history so many people fight for the sake of FREEDOM, people give their life to it. they all wanted to live their life without regret. they think of the future and the next generation of their very own. a country rule by IRON FIST it not what people want. Thats why people fight for FREEDOM. what i am trying to say is, even your against the odd, do not be move by other forces, it easy to say, but, if you prove it to yourself, you will know that in the future, nothing on earth can beat the will in your heart so easily. you will know......
Friday, 14 December 2007
Search your own soul

hey there, here i am. actually nothing special, just when i was surfing the net, this words come to my mind."search your own soul". well i don't know what it mean at first, but, i think God is telling me something which want me to do something about it. perhap its my temper, i have a super hot temper, like to kill insect when i got a shock from them appearing suddenly. yesterday while i was playing xbox, one super big flying ant fly pass me, i got a shock, my temper raise to the max, i think level 99, ha ha (kidding) i grab a piece of newspaper. and i kil it, but, it was not dead completely. i put into a container where i throw all my cigarette butt. i saw it was still moving, so, i cover it. after a while the flying ant is dead, actually, somehow i feel a bit discomfort. it was like i torture it to the max..... sorry ant.... T_T.... Ok God my lord, i will try ok steady. try to kill more hahaha, relax just kidding. i try not to kill as much la... hahaha.....
Ninja Gaiden

hey, ke ke yesterday i was playing ninja gaiden and guess what, the game really live up to its name. famous for its difficulty. i was unable to kill the stage 4 boss. after much practise. i manage to beat it. remind me of during the time i played with my brother. ha ha miss those time. this game require a lot more concentration. than the last. lets see if i can find a picture of that fatty boss. yes i found it. heh heh this is it the fatty boss ha ha.
Thursday, 13 December 2007
The same cat

Hey hey hey, its me again. you know what? i went to smoke a while ago and guess what? i saw the cat, i mention yesterday. it was sleeping near my friend car. i took a photo of it. i was very happy to see it again. the cat that jog faster to it normal hidding place remember?... here is it. as always they never fail to amaze me everyday.
they are in fact the point of my life.
No retreat. No surrender.
One of the Warrior code, no retreat, no surrender. people will think that this is courage, yes indeed, but they are the fool in a ways. let me explain, now lets change a bit here, way of warrior. being a warior yourself, not only you need to fight upfront, care for your men, reward and punishment must be clear. understood the weather, ground, terrain, and your enemy. and understand the situation well. certain time a soilder can overwrite a commander order if he know and aware of the situation. these are the essential of a true warrior. But many of us in life, don't take it that way. oneself always so prideful to give way. one example is very clear. if you know, the famous battle of guan du. cao cao won the battle, why? cao cao troops is nothing compare to yuan shao vast army. beside strategy, cao cao believe in good concsell. he open up his heart drop down all his pride, humbly listen to his loyal general and adviser. and with some of his own idea. they won the war. on the other hand yuan shao was born in nobility. though he have many good general and adviser, he don't give a damn to any. even one of yuan shao adviser. Tian Feng, know that they will lose the battle from the start. he advise yuan shao. yuan shao imprison him. in the case does that sound familar to you in any way? or you find the story have, a moral behind it??? till then........ ^_^
Intelligent Person
ok, i try to describe to the best i can, have you ever read a question, and the very moment you think you know the answer, but, in fact before you answer you were stun. not because your scare or anything, just stuck there and think further than what we normally will??? you start to question yourself if this what the question really mean like what it appear? (that kind of feeling)
do you? tell you what i am like this all the time. not being something not right or funny nor special. but i snipe into the heart of the question. i always question THE QUESTION real intension. so i find it very hard to communicate to people. ok, here comes, in this situation, in Jesus ,i say, most of the people will find me like weird. so most of the time i'll play along with it pretend to agree or disagree. well, thats one way to go on..... ^_^ at least for me. well, at this point there are even more thing in my mind than to explain in just word. it very very diffcult to just express it out. coz i really don know how... however some might think i think too much. perhap some will REALLY think that i think too much.
do you? tell you what i am like this all the time. not being something not right or funny nor special. but i snipe into the heart of the question. i always question THE QUESTION real intension. so i find it very hard to communicate to people. ok, here comes, in this situation, in Jesus ,i say, most of the people will find me like weird. so most of the time i'll play along with it pretend to agree or disagree. well, thats one way to go on..... ^_^ at least for me. well, at this point there are even more thing in my mind than to explain in just word. it very very diffcult to just express it out. coz i really don know how... however some might think i think too much. perhap some will REALLY think that i think too much.
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Cat sleeping together

Hey hey, i'm back again. guess what just now when i lunch out with my friend, you know what i found, its raining like i told you. weather cold, when i walk under the HDB block I saw 2 cats sort of hugging together, to warm themself. ha ha, it really caught my eye. i took a picture which is in my hand phone, but some how i cant upload now. will upload later when i reach home ke ke ^_^
cat never cease to amaze me everyday ha ha. "Jesus love me this i know, coz the bible tell me so". its a song actually. ke ke just so happy to see this thing... ^_^ till now if you notice i did not really everything talk about God. some of my chirstian friend blog. always God God God. there's nothing wrong on that but heat thing up alittle let talk about ourself, coz throught communicating, than we understand or have more little understanding of another person. i have heard people say, Jesus can help you to understand a person? do you think thats possible? i have my own thinking but, let me hear yours..... in a way YES AND NO.
cat never cease to amaze me everyday ha ha. "Jesus love me this i know, coz the bible tell me so". its a song actually. ke ke just so happy to see this thing... ^_^ till now if you notice i did not really everything talk about God. some of my chirstian friend blog. always God God God. there's nothing wrong on that but heat thing up alittle let talk about ourself, coz throught communicating, than we understand or have more little understanding of another person. i have heard people say, Jesus can help you to understand a person? do you think thats possible? i have my own thinking but, let me hear yours..... in a way YES AND NO.
God is good, All the time....
Hello, ha ha, me again. i was so happy yesteday. why? coz i got so many game to play with i don't know which to play first heh. it may seem a bit out of topic from the title i wrote. but, let me explain ha ha. you know few years back when XBOX just came out. it have a game that i was longing to buy due to i don't have money at that point of time i give up the hope of buying. games are like that if it on the shell for certain period of time it pharse off, the game is call Ninja Gaiden, why if ask me. well, thats the game where by when my elder brother and i were young. we play that game together, and that game really one thing you should try out. though at that point of time technology isn't that advance. we really enjoy the game. recently i brought a XBOX a second hand one from a lady, it was well in condition, though XBOX now is replace by XBOX360. i still hope i could find the game. God truely THE BEST OF THE BEST. i found the game!!!! you know it have been 4 years since i wanted to buy XBOX. Somehow this game brought my mind back to good old days. my relationship with my brother are not in good term now, ever since he came back for USA after he work there for certain period. i only remember the good and act like child moment in a person not the bad. In a way God know my love for this game, it link to some part of my brain, a reminder perhap? of somethng? well now do you still think that the tiltle of the topic match??? think deep you will know. this video here i put in just for fun.. enjoy have fun.

ha me again. ^_^ ke ke.. you know what just now when i was smoking. and it was raining. i saw a cat walking slowly toward to fence that separate our compound with another company. as it rain heavier, the cat start to jog faster to its normal hidding place. when i saw this, my heart melted. the way it walk and the expression on the cat face was so CUTE!!!! i love cat so much. They are the best of the best. Don't get me wrong, in fact i love animal the best. just like us, when its start to rain, we still walk normally, but when it gets a little heavier, we start to jog. that kind of feel you know. i have one cat by the name of "Chang Chang". it have being with me since the day he was born. very playful cat. like to play hide and seek since he was young. even till now, he still do the same thing. though he is quite old now 7-8 years. i could feel him everytime. he normally don't listen to me, but one day when i just reach home, i was alone with Chang Chang. he sit around the corner and was resting. i did my usual thing, talk to him and sayang him. he don't care at all. But, suddenly i think of Jesus. This is what i told Chang Chang." Ah Chang, sayang Do you know Jesus love you very much, and he is very good he send you to be with me and keep me company" Guess what!! no joke he reply, " Meowwwww" for a few seconds. he start to stand up and uses his head to rub against my shin area and lay down on my feet. If you ever know, this action is done to you when cat mark his turf and lay down to only his favorites person . i was really amaze. GOD I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!! YAY YAY. ke ke ^_^. this picture is my Cat "Ah Chang"
Romance of the three Kingdom
well well, i'm gonna start this. let me start with some of the famous one first, about 周瑜,people always know that he is being piss off to the death(三气周瑜) by 诸葛亮。but which in fact, he did not die because of that. And that event did not even existed. though he really die young at the age of 36 in 210AD. Not long after the famous, 赤壁之战。What my point here is that, when we learnt history, first we have to know how accurate is history itself. There are too many of this wrongly input context of history. But, for us we did not bother to find out ourself. and we claim that its correct.(typical people). Comrade, thing that are taught to us during our young time, you will be surprise that when you think deeper into you may find yourself unrelevant sometime. kinda going against yourself sometime. What we know about three kingdom is also being alter to make the story more wonderful. but what I want to know its always the truth, you may ask, if i am reading some article, to confirm what it is, that aricle can be in any chance being alter, i know. but , i have a special feeling when it come to certain things. i know thats truth. if you were to ask me, its that base on logical fact or thinking? i tell you now NO.
Tuesday, 11 December 2007
New Spartan
Hello, anyone see this blog, mean your in for some real thing ha ha. as real as you want to be. anyway, i have nothing to do in the office, so, i try out this so call new stuff to me. heh heh.
why i choose Spartan as the title? well cause i love the way of warrior. it may seem old fashion, but, before i come to Jesus. i learnt most of the things for the past. i mean ancient people. nothing on earth attract me the most when it comes to history of anything. so if your in for some real history. comment as many as you can or post some. next thing you know, i will personally bring you what you want to know. of course i am no God. but first and foremost, i want to say something about history. let our brain work a bit before you start to know me better each day.
Spartan, ready! Phalanx formation!!
why i choose Spartan as the title? well cause i love the way of warrior. it may seem old fashion, but, before i come to Jesus. i learnt most of the things for the past. i mean ancient people. nothing on earth attract me the most when it comes to history of anything. so if your in for some real history. comment as many as you can or post some. next thing you know, i will personally bring you what you want to know. of course i am no God. but first and foremost, i want to say something about history. let our brain work a bit before you start to know me better each day.
Spartan, ready! Phalanx formation!!
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