Hey hey, i'm back again. guess what just now when i lunch out with my friend, you know what i found, its raining like i told you. weather cold, when i walk under the HDB block I saw 2 cats sort of hugging together, to warm themself. ha ha, it really caught my eye. i took a picture which is in my hand phone, but some how i cant upload now. will upload later when i reach home ke ke ^_^
cat never cease to amaze me everyday ha ha. "Jesus love me this i know, coz the bible tell me so". its a song actually. ke ke just so happy to see this thing... ^_^ till now if you notice i did not really everything talk about God. some of my chirstian friend blog. always God God God. there's nothing wrong on that but heat thing up alittle let talk about ourself, coz throught communicating, than we understand or have more little understanding of another person. i have heard people say, Jesus can help you to understand a person? do you think thats possible? i have my own thinking but, let me hear yours..... in a way YES AND NO.
cat never cease to amaze me everyday ha ha. "Jesus love me this i know, coz the bible tell me so". its a song actually. ke ke just so happy to see this thing... ^_^ till now if you notice i did not really everything talk about God. some of my chirstian friend blog. always God God God. there's nothing wrong on that but heat thing up alittle let talk about ourself, coz throught communicating, than we understand or have more little understanding of another person. i have heard people say, Jesus can help you to understand a person? do you think thats possible? i have my own thinking but, let me hear yours..... in a way YES AND NO.
"i have heard people say, Jesus can help you to understand a person? do you think thats possible?"
reminds me of something I've heard when I was a kid. I acted in a skit. The skit was about a flood. A man was stuck on his roof top during a flood. Everyone had been rescued to another place except that man. The man thought to himself, "Surely God will come and rescue me". A boat came and the rescuers tried to get the man onto the boat. The man refused to enter, saying "God will come and rescue me".
Awhile later, a helicopter came, the rescuer (I acted as the rescuer) also tried to get the man to board the helicopter. Again, the man refused, saying, "God will come and rescue me". In the end, the man drowned in the flood. Actually...God did try to rescue him...
Dear friend, feeling not-understood makes one resentful because he won't feel listened to. Sometimes with the help of God, we are able to communicate in peace (with the grace of God). Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Without the help of God, we become self-centered, resentful, angry, and sometimes "shoo" the others away, which only make things worse.
Example: The other person wants you to understand them, but they have not taken the time to try to really understand you. If they did they would show you more empathy. Saying "you need to understand" doesn't show empathy. Instead I would say it is usually a form of invalidation
I feel you somehow, people able to speak such words, either they are experience, or they have alike mind like me. With God all things is possible. as christian on earth who do not know the fact of this? if you did notice, when we pray the next thing we know it happened. but what excatly happened in between that period till the thing happened? If you know what i mean. even God help. without ONESELF to execute the operation ONESELF will still fail.
Yes my friend...one can't expect money to fall from the sky when one doesn't work. But with prayers, God will help, using his own ways that human can't understand.
Thanks brother, God give us wisdom, if the wisdom cant make oneself understand why God do this or that, in a way what is the WISDOM? anyway i am not trying to jam anyone here, i believe and trust that you surely know about this.
maybe you can call me sister ;)
God's wisdom is so powerful. We can ask for wisdom from God but we won't be as wise as him (otherwise we'll be God ourselves). Thus, we won't be able to understand why God does this or that. Anyway, He was the one who created us. Sometimes, we can understand why He does this or that, maybe soon, maybe later...God lets us know. But I guess God wants us to know that no matter what, He understands us. And He wants us to have faith in Him. People often believe by sight and not by faith.
Thats thomas, sight and not faith. even we understand why God do this or that, it doesn't make us a God. your someone i feel but may not know. and in this way does it mean i feel you mean i know you?
You are right. Understanding why God does this or that, doesn't make us God, though sometimes we may not understand how God thinks.
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