Hello all, i'm back.^_^ lately i was playing this game call Warrior orochi. i have this feeling. i was thinking that, people at that time will never ever know that they will be feature in the game. warrior like lu bu, zhao yun, xia hou dun, and all. well, some how i don know the weapon the carry is it the same, feature in the game? i know at that point of time no one will ever know. kinda scary eh.... it too futuristic for them to accept? i wonder if either one of them know they are in the game. wonder what are their reaction.. must be amaze and likely will stop war. ha ha, all of them will be buying this game and play like hell haha. i can imagine that. haha. cao cao will use cao cao and conquer china everyone will use their own. shit must be fun haha. i try to find a picture of it hang on.
found it ke ke..
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